Sunday, March 29, 2009


This is a DEM (digital elevation model) of Sturgis, SD. It is displayed in a 3 dimensional relief map. DEM maps are geospatial maps that are used for digital elevation models around the world. 

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Bivariate Chloropleth Map

This is a Bivariate Chloropleth map that shows the increase in United States divorce rates from 1980 to 1990.Bivariate maps display the relationship of two variables. Bivariate maps are known to represent that relationships between two different variable and this particular map is also a cartographic animation map. This map, on the web page, displays both rates of individual states and the individual counties within each state.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Univariate Choropleth Map

This is a Univariate Choropleth Map depicting the poverty of individuals across the United States. These maps display single data sets. 

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Histogram Map

This  is a Histogram Map with the nodes arranged in a vertical manner. The data appears to represent maybe individual sales for specific people and companies, although the website did not specify. Histogram are typically used for statistical purposes and are arranged in a graphical way so that tabulated frequencies are shown as bars. They are used to show categories and results

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